Notary signature and COVID-19 purchase : the point

Home / Blog / Notary signature and COVID-19 purchase : the point

News: Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The notary is an indispensable intermediary in any real estate transaction. Many Canadians wonder if the notary’s signature for a purchase in this COVID-19 context is not problematic. We take stock of the situation.

A problem, the signature of the notary and purchase COVID-19?

If you are buying or selling a property, it is important to make sure that your notary is available to receive you for the signing. Notary service during a pandemic: take the time to contact your notary before you travel

Following the government’s inclusion of notarial services on the list of essential services, the Chambre des notaires reiterates that “essential” does not mean “mandatory”. Because the measures related to the health emergency remain.

All notaries retain full discretion to keep their offices open or not. Of course, it is essential that all measures be taken to avoid the spread of the virus. Therefore, contribute to the security of all. Consult :

Notary and COVID-19: the communiqué of the Chamber of Notaries

Montreal, March 24, 2020 – The Chambre des notaires wishes to inform the population that following yesterday’s update by the government, legal services are recognized as essential services, including those offered by notaries in their private offices.

Notaries who wish to do so may keep their offices open by strictly following the distancing guidelines. However, the decision to keep their office open is made on the basis of the notary’s situation, with due regard for the safety of the notary and those around him or her, including employees, clients and families.

At the same time, emergency work has been underway at the Chamber since the beginning of this crisis to provide notaries with solutions that will allow them to carry out more actions remotely, while respecting their obligations. These measures are awaiting government approval.


We would also like to remind you that the Chamber’s activities that can be done remotely, such as requests for will searches and certificates of authenticity and quality by electronic means, will continue. Although the offices are closed to visitors, it is possible that delays may occur in the processing of requests.

We invite you to regularly monitor our website for any details related to the situation. If you have any questions or would like to share information, please contact 1-800-NOTARY (668-2473).

About the Chambre des notaires du Québec

The Chambre des notaires du Québec is the professional order of over 3,900 notaries. Its main mission is to ensure the protection of the public by promoting the preventive practice of law, by supporting a quality notarial practice at the service of the public and by promoting access to justice for all.

Find a COVID-19 notary through your Montreal mortgage broker

We will assist any client who encounters difficulties, by suggesting alternative solutions if their notary is unable to provide the signature. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can send instructions to the new notary in case you need to make changes.

Do not hesitate to contact us or to make an appointment online (Video-Conference) or by phone, for any questions related to your mortgage.

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